Friday, September 18, 2015

Customizing Automatic Withholding Tax in R12.1.3

If you are using Payables to automatically withhold tax, you may want to customize the AP_CUSTOM_WITHHOLDING_PKG to perform special behavior. This PL/SQL package contains a procedure Ap_Special_Withheld_Amt which can be used to implement functionality like rounding witholding tax.

procedure Ap_Special_Withheld_Amt
                 P_Withheld_Amount        IN OUT NOCOPY Number
                ,P_Base_WT_amount         IN OUT NOCOPY Number
                ,P_CurrCode               IN Varchar2
                ,P_BaseCurrCode           IN Varchar2
                ,P_Invoice_exchange_rate  IN Number
                ,P_Tax_Name               IN Varchar2
                ,P_Calling_sequence       IN Varchar2
                ,P_Unrounded_WT_Amount    IN Number     DEFAULT NULL --bug 10262174
                ,P_Calling_parameter      IN Varchar2   DEFAULT NULL --bug 14271407
-- IMPORTANT: This section is reserved for Globalization features.
--            Please do not modify code here.
-- BUG 7232736 replaced sys_context with g_zz_shared_pkg.get_product
-- Uncommented the call to JG_WITHHOLDING_TAX_PKG.JG_Special_Withheld_Amt
-- IF sys_context('JG','JGZZ_PRODUCT_CODE') is not null THEN
IF jg_zz_shared_pkg.get_product(AP_CALC_WITHHOLDING_PKG.g_org_id, NULL) is not null THEN
-- Please enter all custom code below this line.
-- Begin Custom Code
    --Added by Siddhartha S. for rounding witholding tax to floor value.

       P_Withheld_Amount:= FLOOR(P_Unrounded_WT_Amount);

    --END of addition
-- End Custom Code
END Ap_Special_Withheld_Amt;

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