If you are not able to update a webadi from Desktop Integration Manager Responsibility because it is created using API then you need to run the following update in the database.
Query for the integrator you want to update from application in bne_integrators_b.
Then update the column Source to 'C'. Once you commit, the integrator can be updated from Desktop Integration Manager responsibility. Please do not try this for seeded webadi.
This is only for custom ADI created from the API.
The command can look like
update bne_integrators_b
set source = 'C'
where integrator_code = 'XXWEBADI_INTG';
'XXWEBADI_INTG' is the integrator code you may want to update from Desktop Integration Manager Responsibility.
Please post your comments in case you run into issues while trying it.
Query for the integrator you want to update from application in bne_integrators_b.
Then update the column Source to 'C'. Once you commit, the integrator can be updated from Desktop Integration Manager responsibility. Please do not try this for seeded webadi.
This is only for custom ADI created from the API.
The command can look like
update bne_integrators_b
set source = 'C'
where integrator_code = 'XXWEBADI_INTG';
'XXWEBADI_INTG' is the integrator code you may want to update from Desktop Integration Manager Responsibility.
Please post your comments in case you run into issues while trying it.
Nice way to customize webadi