Friday, September 25, 2015

Add custom tags in Payment Process Request

Disbursement program (Payment process Request) comes with seeded xml tags and if we have to add a new tag then Oracle provides a way of doing it. There is a package called IBY_FD_EXTRACT_EXT_PUB, which can be customized to add custom tags. There are multiple functions which can be customized based on your clients requirements.
The way to do it is
 SELECT XMLConcat( XMLElement("EmployeeNumber",l_empno),
  INTO l_ins_ext_agg
 FROM dual;

The function returns l_ins_ext_agg and the xml tags for
EmployeeNumber, EmployeeName, Employee_address_line1, Employee_address_line2, Employee_address_line3are created once PPR(Payment Process request) runs

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