Thursday, August 4, 2016

Read only webadi

There are times when customers have requirement to just fillup the webadi as a template and another user should be able to upload it. For example there are coders in an organization who just enter the invoice details in a spreadsheet and should not be allowed to upload the invoices in the system. Only Accountant or Payables Manager can upload the invoices after validating the data in the spreadsheet. Such requirement can easily be met by creating two Menu and attaching two functions. One function which allows not to upload the webadi should have Reporting = Y and other function which will allow the webadi to be uploaded should have Reporting = N in it's definition. Let me know if you face any challenges while implementing it.
Example for making read only webadi : bne:page=BneCreateDoc&bne:reporting=Y&bne:integrator=XX_INTG&bne:layout=XX_LAYOUT

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Wednesday, August 3, 2016

Add password protection to your pdf documents like PO Print

There are many ways to password protect your documents. Oracle documentation is there for RTF but for xslfo we do not see any documentation.
Specially when PO output for communication is being modified, we change the xsl fo for same. The code snippet to do it is :

I have used supplier number as the password for opening the document, you can chose your own ways.

In RTF template you can achieve the same using below steps:

Open the .rtf
Go to File - > Properties

Create a new custom property

a)  Name   : xdo-pdf-open-password

Type     : text

Value    : Either Hard Code the value / or get the value for xml data

b)  Name :  xdo-pdf-security

Type   :  text

Value  : true